Nobody can do everything right 100% of the time. Dani this one is for you and all the 20+ year olds who are trying to juggle their lives, balance work and eating well. 80-20 principle developed by Pareto it means that if you are making healthy food choices 80% of the time then don’t sweat the 20% of the time when you don’t. The stress of trying to be 100% wholesome causes more bad hormones and a rise in cortisol that will make you put on weight. Be kind to yourself, accept an 80-20 approach and take personal control over what you eat and when. If you have specific illnesses, are at the beginning of your wellness journey or want to lose weight, then I suggest that being stricter the first week or two (or longer) might ‘kick start’ your motivation, and give your microbiomes (bacteria, fungi and microbes in your gut) time to grow.

80% of the time you want to cut out diary, sugar, red meat, wheat and gluten, white refined products and keep your body levels more alkaline than acidic. This will also help your skin stay blemish free.

20% of the time you can have these in moderation – if you over indulge you will feel it and your healthy bacteria will respond badly.

You want to have all the five food groups:


Small units are called amino acids. These help your body synthesise muscles tissue, hormones and enzymes.


You want to have complex carbs from starches such as brown pasta/rice, wheat free bread not simple sugars.


Avoid fatty acids they raise cholesterol levels.


Sometimes the body can’t make these or the amounts are insufficient, small amounts are necessary for a healthy body.


The indigestible portion of the plant, needed for normal gastrointestinal functioning.