This is for everybody who wants real health and balanced weight but unsure of how or where to start.

Busy new mumpreneur Charlotte: “I just can’t think about changing my diet, it is too much, just too much. I have a baby, business to run and a husband who won’t try new things.” (Follow on Instagram)

Lianne: “Just change ONE product. Change your milk, when you go shopping take the almond milk (or rice, cashew, coconut) off the shelf and walk past the diary one you normally take from the fridge.”

She excitedly said “that I can do”.

If you feel the same, try swopping ONE product a week/month and the following month swop something different. Maybe for a sweet tooth like Charlotte the next step is sugar or if that is a step too far…swop it for honey, Algave, maple, Stevia or coconut syrup. But have less, a small amount less (don’t panic), and each day a little less until your palette gets used to it, which it will. You will have less brain fog and have more energy – what’s not to like.

Nut milk is full of calcium, protein, essential fats. You could replace it with goat’s milk but plant nutrients are easier to digest and absorption is quicker.

Milk causes mucous and in most cases come from cows that are injected with hormones and fattened up on corn and soy, unlike the grass fed cows our ancestors used to eat.

Make a note in your food journal the amount of phlegm you cough up when you stop having diary. Diary products clog the lining of the digestive track/immune system and contain ‘butterfat’ which is high in saturated fat and raise cholesterol. Remember that cholesterol is only found in animal products, not plants, so best to avoid it.