Guest contributor, Linda, Melbourne Australia

Linda is one of those amazing women that manages to effortlessly be good at everything she does. A Partner and successful Corporate Lawyer, mother, photographer and global traveller with a spirit for adventure! Like many of us she has faced challenges and shares with us how she has overcome them…I am definitely going to learn quilting.

The Mindfulness of Patchwork & Quilting

Whether traditional, modern, big or small, quilts are predominantly made with a simple straight running stitch that is easily learned. Over the years those little stitches have absorbed countless of my worries, frustrations and fears and rewarded me with beautiful, unique and practical heirlooms and gifts. This is quilting.

I first did a 10 week evening class course as ‘me’ therapy when my 1st marriage collapsed over 20 years ago and I signed up for a few more workshops to learn new techniques when battling cancer a few years later.

When I am quilting I have to concentrate just enough to distract my mind from everything else, and my hands are also busy which keeps me from the temptations of snacking or early glasses of wine!

It is a very peaceful pastime and is a wonderful therapeutic haven when coming to grips with life’s more major challenges. But quilting can also be a social experience. Depending on your mood, it can be a quiet personal pursuit or a pastime shared with others. The fellowship of other quilters can also be a tonic and an easy way to meet potential new friends or just enjoy a bit of company. Many groups also meet regularly to sew quilts for charitable donations.

Very simply, a quilt has a pieced top layer and a backing layer which might be plan or also pieced. These are stitched together by hand or machine and then ‘quilted’ together, with a thin layer of batting in between (often wool or nowadays even bamboo). For bigger projects many people (myself included) stitch the top and backing layers and then have the quilting and final binding done by a machine quilter.

Quilts will last hundreds of years if properly cared for and beautiful cotton fabrics are available in every conceivable pattern and color palette. Quilts are also extremely robust (especially those quilted by machine), and can be washed in a normal machine.

There are quilting guilds and patchwork shops and resources everywhere, and they are filled with lovely helpful women who will be delighted to help you get started, advise on projects and admire your results.

Consistent with the love that went into their making, I hope that the quilts I have sewn over the years will continue to provide warmth and beauty for many decades. Those little running stitches have done a lot for me and they might also be just right for you…!”