I stopped having fruit smoothies a while ago because of the high sugar content and the negative effect it was having on my skin.  Finding a tasty smoothie that is quick and easy to make, high in antioxidants, eliminates hunger, gives you extra energy and feeds your gut microbiomes or ‘bugs’ is a challenge! But this mixture below is sooo tasty – you can even add a bit of broccoli and it doesn’t alter the taste.

I have this green smoothie every morning, but it also works to rebuild your gut microbiomes.

I have included links to some of the products you will need, always try and buy organic vegetables, they taste better, and it avoids nasty pesticides and other chemicals that end up in your blood stream.  Stevia and Inulin add natural sweetness to this creamy mixture.


½ cup of organic spinach

Half an avocado

1 cup of organic romaine lettuce

1-3 sprigs of fresh garden mint

2-4 tablespoons of organic Flaxseed milled

6 drops of Stevia

1 small scoop of Inulin powder

4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice

1 cup of ice cubes

1 cup of filtered water

Mix it together in a blender, it doesn’t matter which ingredients you throw in first, but use a tall glass because this smoothie is BIG..enjoy!