Awakening the spine by Vanda Scaravelli

The joy of this book for me is its focus on strengthening and “awakening” the spine, and the evolution of making yoga part of your philosophy and life.  Of course this isn’t always easy when one is rushing around with bad posture and not being mindful!

Vanda was a student of B.K.S. Iyengar and at 92 years she demonstrated how important flexibility is for everybody, arguing that people use old age as an “impediment and excuse to be lazy”.

Her holistic approach to yoga has earned her descriptions such as ‘fiercely focused, disciplined and determined’ – all traits I admire immensely and you can see demonstrated throughout her book.

Any person who has ever had a back injury will appreciate her wisdom on the importance of the motion and action functions of the spinal cord.  Whether you practise yoga everyday, or just want to get back in contact with your body again, the book covers the science and history along with pictures of the Asanas.

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