What is Live Whole

Live Whole is about sharing with you how to take control of your mind and body for real health. At Live Whole you will find out about the definite foods and supplements you should avoid, replace, introduce, wellness ideas and suggestions and success stories to manage your healthy from more than thirty years of experience, research and evolving scientific evidence.
Because everyone is different you/we can decide where you fit in by asking:
1. How do I optimise my mind and body health?
2. How do I cope with or avoid illness?
3. How do I lose or maintain weight?
4. How do I manage stress and achieve emotional balance?

Then take bite size steps make one change, or make contact to help your mind and body build resilience whatever your stage of life.

Underpinned by four key pillars

  • All four pillars interact
  • You are at the centre
  • Your body is unique in the way they interact
  • Live Whole is here to show you how
  • Take control of your mind and body and use ‘How to Start’ to identify where you fit in

The philosophy is simple “let food be your medicine, and medicine your food”

— Hippocrates

How the blogsite works

Live Whole has something for everybody whether it is to show you how to replace one thing you eat or change a few more things in your lifestyle, thinking or eating.

On the left side of the Blogsite you will find more detailed scientific information, evidence and case studies, and on the right-hand side quick reads and easy steps to living whole. You can always click on the ‘Read more’ tab on the right hand-side when you have more time.

If you would like a more personalized approach, then please contact me and we can discuss what next for you to maximise your health and wellbeing.
