Dancing Light: The Spiritual Side of Being Through the Eyes of a Modern Yoga Master

There are very few people left, if any, that have had the privilege of knowing and walking with both Ghandi and King.  Tao Porchon-Lynn is one such person.  There are hundreds of reasons why I am adding this book to my recommendations list, but I’ve selected a few that might nudge you to read her book.  I am sure you will find many reasons yourself – please let me know what they are.  In the meantime:

  • She is 100 years old yet ageless. Her attitude towards ageing is refreshing and it doesn’t stop her from teaching 7 yoga classes a week and winning hundreds of ballroom prizes.
  • She is a fearless adventurer. She has travelled all over the globe and has had some extraordinary experiences including writing with Hemingway in Paris.
  • She is spiritual, luminous and connects with the whole world. She acknowledges God in her own way and being part of something bigger than herself.
  • She is a post-Great War baby. Born during World War I she experienced food shortages, which informed her belief that people eat more than they need.
  • Deepak Chopra called her an “acclaimed” yoga teacher. Include her videos in your yoga practice and you will agree.
  • She loves trees.  My mother loves trees, she couldn’t walk past a tree without picking a leaf, smelling it and feeling its life-force.

Also, I was amazed to find that in my second-hand copy of the book she had signed and wrote these inspiring words:

“There is nothing you cannot do – for you are not the doer, you are the instrument”

Enjoy…LBT x

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