Hello, I’m Lianne

Welcome to Live Whole.  I currently work as a psychologist, researcher, author and have founded a couple of businesses over the years.  I am mother to three amazing adult kids and for more than thirty years my philosophy has been to treat your mind and body as a whole, strengthen your immune system, make food your medicine and always have a positive mindset. These values underpin Live Whole and the Blogs will include my experience and scientific research that can help you to achieve your optimum level of wellness.

I have been passionately helping myself and others to optimise their mind and body health by making informed choices about food, supplements, exercise and beauty products and some of these stories will also be included in the form of guest contributors.  I hope you enjoy sharing their experiences.

We will filter the deluge of information that causes most people to 'switch off' by providing you with clear health messages through our Blogs.

My belief is that society is overmedicated and overprescribed, although Medicine and surgery do have their place. I have dealt with, and researched, many diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases, eczema, labyrinthitis, allergies, psoriatic arthritis, heart disease and believe strongly that there has to be more of a mind-body medical and natural approach. I’ve also been through early menopause and experienced body changes whilst adopting a more natural philosophy on using food to heal.

Exercise, spiritual fulfilment, mindset changes and lifestyle choices all form part of Living Whole and the science is finally catching up.

The body operates as whole system and Live Whole will show you how to understand and benefit from the close relationship between our thoughts, gut, immunity and wellness.

I have changed my own life and health and that of others which you will read about in the Blogs through practical tips and techniques that will make a significant difference to how you feel, think and look.

I hope that what you learn can help your decision-making about what to adopt for your mind and body journey towards wholeness. Your needs will be different to other people around you, but building confidence and knowledge will help you work it out and chart your individual path.

I have longstanding respect for our incredible immune system and gut to share with you

…and remember you CAN influence and control your genes,

…genes can change depending on your lifestyle choices…

…look out for the Blogs that show you how and let me know on #ilivewhole what changes you have made.

Dr Lianne Taylor
