Face lift, face exercise or face off?

Face lift, face exercises or face off? I was enjoying a cup of organic gunpowder green a few months…

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Age slowly – make dinner your smallest meal

Wouldn’t you like to slow ageing down, live longer, be disease free and keep your body healthy as…

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The role of coconuts in brain function

For more than 30 years I have read and researched the link between degenerative diseases and…

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A mother’s wisdom

What did you learn from your mother? I feel blessed to be able to introduce my beautiful mother to…

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How to have vitality and feel ageless through La Ménopause

I was one of 10% of women affected by early menopause, or POF (primary ovarian failure) in my late…

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Microbiome – the key to your weight and health

The microbiome in your body play a crucial role in your health, well-being and weight.  But what…

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Build an elite athlete mindset into your everyday activities

It must be my combined love of psychology and people watching, but I believe that there is no such…

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The Relaxation Response – your journey to meditation

I recently shared a pot of Gunpowder green tea with a friend who has survived Stage 4/5 Lymphoma…

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Mondays and Thursdays are good for intermittent fasting

Contrary to popular belief, missing meals is good for your immune system, weight management and gut…

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Green smoothie without fruit to kickstart your day

I stopped having fruit smoothies a while ago because of the high sugar content and the negative…

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