Face lift, face exercise or face off?

Face lift, face exercises or face off? I was enjoying a cup of organic gunpowder green a few months…

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An inspiring Biography by someone who walked with both Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr

Dancing Light: The Spiritual Side of Being Through the Eyes of a Modern Yoga Master There are very…

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Factfulness – things are getting better in the world

Every now and then we meet someone who shifts our thinking on an individual level whilst…

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Awakening the spine

Awakening the spine by Vanda Scaravelli The joy of this book for me is its focus on strengthening…

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The Pilates Body

‘The Pilates Body’ by Brooke Siler This book saved me in my thirties when my body changed after…

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The Whole Truth

The book ‘The Whole Truth’ T. Colin Campbell PhD As a Researcher I believe that almost all science…

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Book to help you organize your thoughts

There are so many mind-body books out there, so recommending the first one is a challenge. I chose…

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