It might seem counterintuitive, but if you want to lose weight then eat a wide variety of whole foods – the more the merrier. Increase your fibre intake (25-35g daily), mostly through plants as this helps the diversity of bacteria in your gut. Examples of plant-based fibre are things like lentils, squash, peas, tomatoes and rice.

Another reason to feed your good bacteria is that they can change your genes (and switch them on and off) so keep eating loads and loads of sautéed/boiled/steamed organic veggies like brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, spinach, parsley, bok choy and romaine lettuce. This helps to train the brain in your gut and sends good messages to your larger brain to release the right chemicals to digest food and not to store fat.

Exclude Gluten from your diet, the presence of a substance called zonulin forces spaces between cells to open in the intestinal lining allowing in unwanted substances and causing inflammation and weight gain.

Have good fats: One daily avocado has incredibly 17 grams of fibre, one tablespoon of flaxseed or coconut twice daily as well would be perfect.

First thing in the morning: Enjoy a glass of boiling water with the juice from half an organic lemon. I repeat this at night, 2-4 hours before bedtime. If you can’t tolerate lemon juice, try a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar.

Small step – introduce some seeds

Food name
Sesame, hemp, sunflower seeds, ground organic flaxseeds.  These provide soluble and insoluble fibre, are high in Omega 3 and Lignans.

Good body impact:  Controls your appetite, controls cortisol production, controls ‘crazy’ hormones, blemish free skin.

And some spices

Caynenne, dried mustard, ginger, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, cumin and turmeric.

Add the seaweed supplement Kelp and Green tea for efficient digestion and to help your metabolism. I love gunpowder, it is soft and smooth and I reuse the leaves by adding hot water in a glass teapot to use another 3-4 days. These help to increase your metabolism, but as both Kelp and Green tea diuretics you don’t want to have too much green tea if you have osteoporosis.