I was one of 10% of women affected by early menopause, or POF (primary ovarian failure) in my late 30’s, more than thirteen years ago. It was unnatural, earlier than expected and I was ill equipped. It is an unusual prognosis because I don’t smoke, didn’t have any sudden trauma at that time and have three kids! According to studies early menopause puts women in a much higher category of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular death. Additionally, women that go through POF are more susceptible to osteoporosis, dementia and heart disease. My mother is an example of the correlation – she went through early menopause in her forties brought on by a hysterectomy and now suffers with dementia.
Natural menopause on the other hand is more common and starts at around 50 years old. The World Health Organization estimates that in 2025 there will be 1.1 billion women going through menopause with significant demographic differences. It is still an embarrassing subject (although less so these days) for both genders to talk about and there was very little information about early menopause or peri-menopause in 2000. However, Baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) have built a good ‘menopause debating platform’ and I am eternally grateful to them.
My personal view on La Ménopause is culturally more aligned to the French, Japanese and South African approaches. Women should be able to feel as sexy, healthy, energetic and relevant as they did before La Ménopause. It is a private and individual journey and there is no reason to be public about it. So you are feeling hotter than usual, so what?! Women should maintain their mystery in my view…
If are you reading this Blog then you are either wanting to know what to expect and more importantly how you can deal with it. In addition, many younger women are experiencing menopause earlier than expected due to certain lifestyles and unhealthy diet choices and as mothers we should speak to them about it.
Firstly, I think it is important to blow the main myths that I experienced out of the water:
Menopause myths
- You will put on weight and there is nothing you can do about it
- HRT (hormone replace therapy) is the best way to go
- What you eat won’t make a difference – it is all hormonal
- You will lose your libido and it is never the same
- Your skin will become dry and hair loss increases – neither will recover
- You are ‘too young’ to go through menopause
- You will lose your vibrancy and energy
- Menopause is life-changing
- Anti-depressant drugs are the only solution to help your anxiety
Menopause facts
- Early menopause can be brought on at any age after having a mastectomy, hysterectomy, chemo or radiotherapy
- Perimenopause can last for up to 10 years
- Having a baby does not delay menopause
- Your hormones are shifting but you also have the impact of other stresses such as ageing parents, demanding jobs, raising teenage kids and busy lives
- Loss of oestrogen has an effect on skin and hair condition
- There are genetic links
Menopause symptoms
There are more than 30 symptoms that you could experience including:
- Wider hips and fat around your middle
- Hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, tearful and tiredness
- Period stopping or intermittent flow
- Sleeplessness, anxiety, dizziness, memory loss, ‘fuzzy’ brain and panic attacks
- Allergies, tender breasts, depression, GI tract problems
How can you deal with it and what did I do that might help you?
- Know your family’s health history and understand the risks
- Ask your doctor for a FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) test
- You are more than your reproductive function – have a positive mental attitude about your value
- Include soya flavonoids (e.g. soya beans, tofu), bioidentical hormones and phyto-oestrogens (e.g. linseeds/flaxseeds are high in lignans) to replace lost oestrogen levels
- Used herbal and homeopathic treatments
- Increase levels of soya (Japanese women struggle less because of their diets)
- Take Natural supplements (red clover, black cohosh, St John’s Wort)
- Develop a healthy diet and measure your BMI regularly
- Commit to regular exercise:Yoga, Pilates and some weight training (not to lose weight but to stay toned and rebuild lost muscle
- Focus on your Gut health: almost 90% of the happy hormone serotonin is produced in here
- Include vital Supplements: evening primrose oil, Vitamin B, magnesium keeps you calm, Zinc and calcium are needed for your bones
Each person is different, but discipline will help you control the shape of your body and weight as you go through this amazing change in your life. This is also true of every other physical, emotional and mental stage of your life.
An integrated body and mind approach are the only way to have vitality and balance. Don’t let the myths about ‘what is supposed to happen’ influence your personal strategy at this stage of your life. Through certain lifestyle choices I had a happy, healthy natural menopause even though I had almost all of the above symptoms at the start.
You can achieve the same positive wellbeing results by adopting a less traditional La Ménopause mindset.
Please feel free to contact me for a more personalised approach.
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