How to make food your medicine

Food does two things – feed your mind and body AND heals you.

We’ve gotten used to the first one, but not the second.

The food you eat can heal your gut. Please ignore your doctor when they say it doesn’t matter what you eat or roll their eyes when you explain that you feel better because you’ve changed your diet. But if you are on medication or have a specific complaint always check with your doctor in case there are clashes or adverse effects.

You are probably eating some of these foods already that are called ‘Superfoods’ because they provide unusually good nutrients for your body. My mother was always sucking on fresh peeled ginger for nausea and it really works. Peel a small piece of ginger, cut a thin slice and just suck on it gently – that sickie feeling disappears and it works as an antivirus to settle your tummy.

The foods mentioned in here are generally good for everybody (unless you have allergies or intolerances) without specific diseases which might need you to cut out certain of these wholesome foods. An example would be beans (which I love) but if you are healing your gut because you are starting out on the healthy diet, then you will want to build up your good bacteria first without the added challenge of lectins in kidney beans that can stop mineral absorption.  Beans are much more digestible once you have soaked them overnight, rinsed them well and pressured cooked. Remember that eating good food is only the start, your body has to assimilate or absorb it efficiently to use the nutrients.

If you have inflammation in your gut (then assume you have some level of imbalance of good and bad bacteria) or if you haven’t been eating the Live Whole way include Glutamine (an amino acid) and the spice Tumeric (Curcumin) in your diet to help the gastrointestinal tract, i.e. your gut. There are many healing foods I will talk about over the next few months, but that is a good start. Baby steps.

Include these for gut health

Nuts and nut butter

walnut, almond, brazil, macadamia, pine and walnuts


flaxseed, coconut, avocado, macadamia


cinnamon, cumin, curry powder, turmeric

Replace sugar with healthier options that support your gut and stop you from feeling hungry with roots such as Stevia, Chicory, Inulin and Monk fruit.  Instead of gluten heavy white refined products use gluten free flour such as Coconut, Cassava, Almond, Arrowroot and Hazelnut.

Simple carbs in white products absorb quicker, the pancreas then make insulin to bring it back down and insulin accelerates the absorption of insulin into fat.  Another good reason to avoid starchy and refined foods such as potatoes, crisps, cereals and sugar.

Good carbs slow down absorption resulting in a slow release of insulin.

Definitely have your good fats such as omega 3 fish oil or flaxseed oil and avocado.

Healing step: Avoid gluten because it really does affect your gut walls. If you are starting out and this seems a very big task, then reduce bread, baked goods, pastas to 1-2 per week. In my view it is best to cut it out because the link to brain diseases and the way we think is well research.

Interesting fact: Your gut is the size of a tennis court and is actually ‘outside’ your body because everything that is inside the intestinal tract has not yet penetrated through the gut wall.