For more than 30 years I have read and researched the link between degenerative diseases and nutrition. The first known Neurodegenerative condition was treated by Alois Alzheimer in 1906 when he discovered a build-up of plaque in a patient’s brain.  Recent studies show that neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimers affect more than 37 million people globally and is still growing.

Dementia research is ongoing and positive cases are emerging.   M.D. Mary Newport shares in her book,  ‘The Complete Book of Ketones’, the results of nutrition (in particular ketones) on her husband’s Alzheimers progression.  The self-proclaimed “messenger of ketones in the world” explains how ketones are produced when the body breaks down fat and is used as fuel when glucose/carbohydrates are low or absent.  Her book is an encyclopaedia worth reading for those interested in weight loss, controlling their weight, dealing with or avoiding illness and optimising health.

Foods and drinks with a high sugar content are associated with brain ageing and lower brain volume. Carbohydrates are the main trigger for producing insulin, this triggers the take up of glucose from the blood.  Insulin stops the use of fat as fuel, when insulin is high fat isn’t burned, when insulin is low fat is burned and ketones are produced.

Ketones are produced in your liver and is the alternative food supply for your brain.  When your body breaks down stored fat, ketones are produced and feeds all your organs.  A state of ketosis means that your body is producing and using ketones as its main source of energy. Many people are not only eating too many calories but are consuming less efficient calories.

Top Tips:

  • Cut out or reduce bowls of cereal – it will only make you hungrier as well
  • Reduce fruit and include low sugar fruit such as berries
  • Include olive oil, omega 3 and 6
  • Include coconut oil and MCT oil
  • Avoid low fat food – they have added sugar to improve the taste
  • Include intermittent fasting – but drink water
  • Include healthy fat – nuts and avocados

The great news is that by eating healthy fat you will not get hungry and cravings will be reduced, then disappear.  If you have read other articles in this Blog, you will know that I believe sugar is one of the main problems with degenerative diseases – cut it out.

Like with any changes to your diet or lifestyle, it is always a good idea to discuss it with your physician in case of underlying problems – but also do your own homework first before the visit.

Contact me with any questions or thoughts.