The book ‘The Whole Truth’ T. Colin Campbell PhD

As a Researcher I believe that almost all science is subjective, but when it comes to your body you definitely want to get as close to the evidence about what is healthy and what is not as possible.

I find this book extremely useful because it not only explores what is good food science when you are thinking about your nutrition but will also challenge your thinking about the motives of big pharmaceutical companies and meat, diary and junk food industries. I read my first book based on similar arguments and evidence 31 years ago when I was searching for healthy wholistic answers to deal with cancer but cutting edge research is constantly improving and is evidence in ‘The Whole Truth’.

Beware though, the writing is ‘dense’, and at times you will have to read a sentence more than once. I find with reference books that a paper version is easier to read than Kindle – this is one of those times. Use a pencil and colourful stick notes to remember points that are relevant to you.

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